Can craft glitter be safely used for eye makeup?
Is it safe to use craft glitter as eyeshadow? Find out the truth about using craft glitter for eye makeup and how to stay safe.
Biodegradable Glitter vs Polyester Glitter: The Ultimate Guide
Discover the true difference between biodegradable glitter vs polyester glitter. Our ultimate guide will help you make an eco-friendly choice!
What Is Biodegradable Glitter?
An extensive guide for learning how to purchase authentic biodegradable glitter products. Learn how to beat the greenwashing marketing tactic and know that you are buying authentic biodegradable glitter products.
Where Is Biodegradable Glitter Used?
Decorative biodegradable glitter should not be used for cosmetic purposes. Neither should you use crafting biodegradable glitter. For cosmetic purposes, only use cosmetic grade biodegradable glitter.