Top 3 Glitter Certificates- Get Your Glitter Certificate Today!

Top 3 Glitter Certificates- Get Your Glitter Certificate Today!

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    Glitter products come in a variety of different certifications, did you know? These glitter products undergo performance and quality assurance tests through product certification. This is to meet the qualifications stipulated in regulations, legislations, contracts, or specifications. There is a lot to learn about glitter certificates. Stick around and be sure to read the whole article to know more!

    What are glitter certificates?

    Glitter certificates are documents that certify glitter products. They prove that glitter products are biodegradable and free of heavy metals. This certification is essential for companies that produce glitter products, like PDYA glitter. It ensures that its products meet the safety standards set by EN-71. A glitter certificate is crucial when determining a product’s nature. Certified glitter products are safe for human use. So, when selling products directed to humans, ensure they follow safety standards. Different countries across the globe have enforced specific legislation. This is to restrict market access to products. Especially those that don’t meet the required safety standards. The following are some examples of glitter certificates:

    1. EN-71 certificate 

    This certification is according to a set of European Product Safety standards. It applies to all 31 countries in the European Economic Area. These countries are the 28 EU member states and the three members of the EFTA. The European Free Trade Association members are Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. EN 71 is part of the CE directive. A marking indicates compliance with the EU’s safety, health, and regulatory requirements. 

    The EN-71 glitter certificate is a safety standard for all toys and products that contain glitter. The EU issues this standard to ensure that the glitter has no hazardous materials. The EN-71 standard covers the glitter’s physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. EU conducts these tests to ensure that glitter products meet the safety requirements. 

    Manufacturers of certain cosmetic products must abide by the EN-71-13 specific requirements. These are the required manufacturing practice, labeling requirements, and content requirements. The regulation also ensures the quality and safety of cosmetic products. These should not pose any harm to human health.  The EN-71-certified beautiful kids’ cosmetics makeup sets can be used by girls at home or for a party. These sets are skin-friendly, made of non-toxic material, and easy to wash off. Glitter has passed this certification and can be worn on the face as eye shadow, lipsticks, or glosses.

    The EN-71-13 cosmetic product safety report comprises two parts (A and B). Part A includes the cosmetic product safety information. These are usage instructions and the composition of the cosmetic product. A description of the product’s physical and chemical characteristics and any side effects it may have. Part B includes the cosmetic product safety assessment. This is the assessment conclusion and explanation of the decision reached (based on Part A). Also, the labeled warnings, and information on how to use the product.  The assessor’s credentials and approval too.

    1. Heavy metals free certificate

    The heavy metals-free glitter certificate verifies that the glitter products are free of heavy metals.  Lead, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals can be found in everything, including children’s toys. These substances are strictly regulated in the European Union. A heavy metals-free certificate has the following. Name of the product, the company that made it, the batch number, and whether it is heavy metals free.

    Heavy metals can be found in cosmetics and personal care products. Several DIY projects can be made using heavy metals. Lead is used in dyes, paints, and inks to delay corrosion, speed up drying, and increase durability. Personal care products and cosmetics may contain heavy metals. This can be mercury, aluminum, arsenic, lead, chromium, or zinc. Many beauty products use glitter.  These are glitter nail polish, eyeliners, lipsticks, concealers, moisturizers, and foundations. PDYA glitter is heavy metal free, so it is safe for eyeliners, nail polish, and lipsticks.

    Below is an example of a heavy metals-free certificate

    1. Biodegradable certificate

    The biodegradable certification proves that the product will break down. It also proves that no micro-plastic is present. A biodegradable glitter certificate is crucial. It shows that the glitter is made without harming people or the environment. TUV, a worldwide organization, runs technical testing on such products. The organization determines whether they meet the eco requirements to be TUV certified. 

    Glitter may be harmful to the environment if disposed of wrongly.  Fish, other aquatic creatures, and the environment will be affected. Glitter may be detrimental to people if swallowed. 

    Thus, when one uses biodegradable glitter sparkles on their makeup, they can rest assured that it won’t harm the environment. Cosmetic biodegradable glitter in sizes 004 and 006 is suitable for use around the eyes. This glitter is cut, and each particle is about the same size. Biodegradable glitter is antimony free and contains no heavy metals. In contrast, cosmetic polyester glitter can have high antimony levels. Antimony is a by-product of a catalyst used in the manufacturing of polyester. It can negatively affect one’s health.

    Below is an example of a biodegradable certificate


    1. How can I get an EN-71 certification?

    To become EN-71 compliant, an accredited laboratory must test the glitter product thoroughly. 

    1. What makes biodegradable glitter biodegradable?

    Biodegradable glitter is made from cellulose in fruits, plants, and vegetables. This glitter is sustainable, non-toxic, and vegan. It sparkles like the original. 

    1. Are glitter certificates necessary?

    Glitter certificates are a great way to ensure that glitter products follow safety standards. The certificates prove that your glitter products are biodegradable and heavy metals-free. 

    Final thoughts 

    Glitter certificates are an excellent way to provide attribution of your glitter product. These certificates are becoming increasingly popular in the cosmetic industry.  They assure customers that the glitter used in their products is safe and friendly to the environment. Any supplier or manufacturer that states their products are certified in either of the above means that the company has tested the product to ensure it meets the standards. The company would then have a test report limited to the product specification subject to the test. These certificates should be available upon request. 

    Picture of Evan Ng

    Evan Ng

    Hi, I'm the author of this post. I've been working in the glitter industry for more than 5 years now, and I can answer any questions you may have about wholesale glitter or related products. Feel free to get in touch if you need help sourcing supplies or want to know more about the manufacturing process!

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