Edible Glitter Vs. Regular Glitter

Edible Glitter Vs. Regular Glitter

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    The use of Glitter is quite common in almost everything. It is not just the art and craft where Glitter is seen prominently. The food these days also contains Glitter. However, the Glitter used on food and the Glitter used for art are two different things.

    Edible Glitter can be used on food, whereas regular Glitter cannot be used on food and is meant for arts and crafts. The ingredients used in edible Glitter are food-based, but this is not the case with regular Glitter.

    If you are interested in knowing more about edible and regular Glitter, you are at the right place. This guide below will enlighten you with every detail about edible and regular Glitter. So, let’s read below.

    What is Edible Glitter?

    Edible Glitter, as the name suggests, is used as a food product. Edible Glitter is commonly seen in desserts, cookies, cakes, and candies.

    It is an FDA-approved glitter. It contains ingredients like gum, sugar, food colors, mica powder, cornstarch, and maltodextrin. This Glitter contains all such ingredients that are safe to eat and are used as a food product.

    Edible Glitter nowadays is not only used in desserts. Many drinks and cocktails are even garnished and sprinkled with this kind of Glitter to improve their presentation.

    Nowadays, people are more inclined towards the way food items are presented. Hence bakers and dessert makers make their food items appealing using edible Glitter.

    How to identify Edible Glitter?

    Edible Glitter is labeled with the term “edible” on its packaging. Also, the ingredient list of edible Glitter differs from other glitters. Hence, the ingredients could be considered on the packaging to identify whether it is edible Glitter.

    If the label says “non-toxic,” this never means that the Glitter is edible. You must make sure that you check out the ingredients. If the ingredients consist of sugar, cornstarch, and mica powder or gum, then only you can consume it as a food product.

    What is Regular Glitter?

    Regular Glitter is a form of Glitter used for arts and crafts. It is used on paper, stickers, stationary, and other non-edible items.

    Regular Glitter is made with aluminum and plastic. Sometimes, it contains glass, followed by artificial colors and pigments.

    Regular Glitter is present in various forms and can serve numerous purposes. Sometimes it could be as glitter glue and sometimes as glitter dust.

    This form of Glitter is used widely in arts and crafts projects. Besides, it is one of the ingredients in jewelry, hair accessories, leather, paint, eye shadow, lip gloss, Cars, Soap, and others.

    It is used widely for decoration purposes and is quite common in several industries.

    How to Identify Regular Glitter?

    The label of the regular Glitter usually has a term written as “non-toxic” on the packaging. However, you must go through the list of ingredients present in it.

    The regular Glitter will have ingredients like plastics, aluminum, glass, and other metals. However, apart from this, the regular Glitter will also have colors and pigments in the list of ingredients.

    Regular Glitter is just for the use of art and craft and must not be mixed with edible Glitter as this is harmful to eating despite being non-toxic.

    Regular VS. Edible Grade: Key Difference

    Various kinds of glitters are available in the market, and all of them have different purposes and different applications. However, they must be used according to their usability.

    Specific differences between edible and regular Glitter are the following:

    • Purpose:

    The first thing that makes a difference between edible and regular Glitter is their purpose. The edible Glitter is used in food items, whereas regular Glitter is used in creating art projects and other craft-related tasks.

    You can decorate food items like chocolates, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and drinks using edible Glitter. However, regular glitter papers, stickers, fancy jewelry, and art projects can be created.

    • Ingredients:

    The ingredients using which the two of these glitters are manufactured also differ. In the case of edible Glitter, food-related ingredients are used, which is not the case with regular Glitter.

    Edible Glitter will comprise sugar, gum, cornstarch, and FDA-approved food colors. However, regular Glitter will contain metals, plastics, aluminum, and dyes. So, the entire manufacturing content differs between these two kinds of glitters.

    • Safety:

    Safety is an important aspect of choosing Glitter of all kinds. So, in the case of regular and edible Glitter, we cannot say that they are unsafe, but we cannot say that they can be switched.

    You cannot choose to use regular Glitter on food items like cakes and cookies. The ingredients contained in regular Glitter are quite harmful to eat. Hence you must ensure to take safety precautions in this regard.

    However, on the other hand, regular Glitter is labeled non-toxic; it shouldn’t be used too much. Also, edible Glitter also must be used sparingly despite being FDA approved; it is used for use on an occasional basis.

    How to choose the right edible or regular Glitter Manufacturer?

    While choosing a glitter manufacturer, you must look for:

    1. Manufacturer Certifications
    2. Manufacturer Quality
    3. Your purpose of use (for example, you will need regular Glitter for cosmetics)
    4. Biodegradable certification if you are looking for an environment-friendly option.

    It is essential to buy Glitter from the right manufacturer. Pdyaglitter is one of the manufacturers that provide polyester glitter in various styles.

    We add quality glitters to our collection with extensive research and development procedures.

    If you are looking forward to starting your glitter brand, you can get in touch with us and can get the Glitter at wholesale price. We have been leading suppliers working in the field of glitter manufacturing for the past ten years.


    How Long Does Edible Glitter Last?

    Edible glitters usually last for years, stored in the right conditions. It is important that they are not exposed to the sun and don’t get any moisture.

    Is Edible Glitter Healthy?

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning about edible Glitter. It is mentioned that food using Glitter might not be healthy.

    Picture of Evan Ng

    Evan Ng

    Hi, I'm the author of this post. I've been working in the glitter industry for more than 5 years now, and I can answer any questions you may have about wholesale glitter or related products. Feel free to get in touch if you need help sourcing supplies or want to know more about the manufacturing process!

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